Content Summary
Thanksgiving and Christmas are two of the biggest holidays in the United States. They're also two of the biggest holidays for weight gain. The average person gains anywhere from five to ten pounds during the holiday season, and most of that weight is gained in the month of December. So, how can you avoid packing on the pounds this holiday season? Here are a few tips.
1.Watch Your Portion Sizes
One of the main reasons people gain weight during the holidays is because they overeat. When you're at a holiday party or family gathering, it's easy to lose track of how much you're eating, especially when there's an abundance of food. To avoid overeating, try to stick to smaller portions.
Fill your plate with mostly vegetables and limit yourself to one or two servings of meat. And when it comes to dessert, have just a small piece instead of going back for seconds or thirds.
2.Stay Active
Another way to avoid holiday weight gain is to stay active. Just because it's cold outside doesn't mean you have to hunker down and become a couch potato. There are plenty of indoor and outdoor activities you can do to keep yourself moving, like going for a walk around the mall or taking a yoga class at your home or local gym.
And when you do venture outdoors, take advantage of winter activities like snowboarding, sledding, and ice skating. Not only will staying active help you avoid catch, but it'll also help relieve stress and boost your energy levels.
3. Make Healthy Choices
When it comes to food, try to make healthier choices whenever possible. Opt for whole wheat bread over white bread, sweet potatoes over regular potatoes, lean turkey over dark meat, and homemade pumpkin pie over store-bought pie. These healthier choices will help you fill up without packing on the pounds.
By following these three tips—watching your portion sizes, staying active, and making healthy choices—you can avoid gaining weight this holiday season. So enjoy all your favorite holiday foods without guilt or worry!
Happy holidays!